Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) in Turkey, Tummy Tuck Cost?

Glance to tummy tuck surgery





Post-surgery pain is managed effectively with prescribed medications to ensure patient comfort during the tummy tuck recovery period.

Tummy tuck turkey cost

Tummy tuck cost in Turkey typically ranges from $3,000 to $5,000, providing a more budget-friendly option compared to many Western countries.

Worth it

The perceived worth of an abdominoplasty varies among individuals and depends on personal goals and expectations for the procedure's outcome.

Anesthesia type

General anesthesia is commonly used during tummy tuck surgery to ensure patient comfort and unconsciousness throughout the surgery.

Back to work

The time required to return to work after a tummy tuck varies, typically ranging from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on individual healing and job requirements.

Flying after surgery

Patients can usually fly after 5-7 days, subject to surgeon approval and considering the specific circumstances of each case.

Healing time

Full recovery from a tummy tuck may take several months, with patients gradually seeing the final results as swelling subsides and tissues settle.

Up & Mobile time

Patients are encouraged to be up and mobile shortly after surgery, with walking being one of the initial activities to aid circulation and recovery.

Washing/Bath, when?

Washing and bathing instructions post-tummy tuck are provided by the Turkish surgeon and typically allow for such activities after a few days, depending on individual progress.

Suitable age

Tummy tucks are generally suitable for adults with stable health, and candidacy is assessed on an individual basis.

Any risk

Like any surgical procedure, tummy tucks carry risks.

Tummy tuck scar

A tummy tuck scar is permanent, but its appearance often fades over time, becoming less noticeable with proper care.

Procedure time

The duration of a tummy tuck procedure typically ranges from 2 to 5 hours, depending on the complexity and extent of correction needed.

What is a tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)?

A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure aiming to alter one’s abdominal area’s visual appearance. 

It is carried out through the excision of surplus fat and skin and the strengthening of the muscles underneath the belly forming a visibly improved contour. This procedure aims at establishing a firmer and more taut abdominal profile by mending problems like loose skin, stretch marks, and weakness of petite muscles in the abdominal area. Tummy tucks could be seen by persons who want the normal regeneration of the waistline which they have experienced as a result of significant weight loss, childbirth, or aging.

What are tummy tuck types?

Tummy tuck aims to meet different patient's needs and aesthetic goals with various types of methods

  1. Traditional Tummy Tuck (Full Abdominoplasty)

Converts overstretched skin and excessive fat across the entire lower hard.

  1. Mini Tummy Tuck (Partial Abdominoplasty)

Significantly accurate controlled damage on a specific area of the lower abdomen through reduced length incision.

  1. Extended Tummy Tuck

Goes beyond the simple oblique region to influence both sides of the body or love handles, for further enhanced effects.

  1. Circumferential Tummy Tuck (Belt Lipectomy)

Aims at the midsection which can amount to the abdomen and back and it is normally performed after a significant weight loss.

  1. Fleur-de-Lis Tummy Tuck

Due to the parallel overlapping scars along the first and second incisions, the procedure is particularly helpful in cases when the skin lacks elasticity (for example, in the context of post-bariatric surgery).

  1. Endoscopic Tummy Tuck

Employs small incisions and a camera for the virtually scarless lifting of the muscles and the slightly tightening of the skin as well.

  1. Reverse Tummy Tuck

Cuts excess upper abdominal skin on the torso, which might be effectively performed on individual specific cases.

    1. Combination Procedures

    More than once along with liposuction or other body reshaping surgeries for best results. These approaches can be combined for more comprehensive outcomes.

    1. Non-Surgical Tummy Tightening

    Some non-invasive methods, such as among others thermal radio frequency or ultrasound may have a promise of mild skin tightening.Formun Üstü

    Who is suitable for abdominoplasty?

    Good candidates for abdominoplasty are given below:

    • Tummy tuck candidates have excess abdominal skin.
    • Women post-pregnancy with stretched muscles are ideal.
    • Sustained weight loss may contribute to the hanging skin.
    • A healthy weight is crucial for the best results.
    • Non-smokers are preferred for faster recovery.
    • Good overall health is a prerequisite for the procedure.
    • Realistic expectations about outcomes are necessary.
    • weight stability is advised before a tummy tuck.
    • Completion of family planning is recommended for women.
    • Candidates should lack plans for major weight loss.
    • Healthy living is vital after the operation.
    • Emotional maturity for changes is a significant factor in a successful process.

    What are the pros and cons of tummy tuck?


    • Enhances abdominal aesthetics.
    • Strengthens weakened muscles.
    • Used to diminish the resulting excess or hanging.
    • Boosts self-confidence.
    • Yields long-lasting results.
    • Improves clothing fit.
    • Enhances abdominal contour.
    • Aims for discreet scar placement.


    • Inherent surgical risks.
    • Unavoidable tummy tuck scars
    • Requires weeks of recovery.
    • Can be relatively expensive.
    • Results tied to weight maintenance.
    • Possible numbness.
    • Swelling and bruising.
    • Emotional impact during recovery.

    What to do before tummy tuck surgery?

    Before abdominoplasty, follow these recommendations:

    • Make your consultation and discussion with your Turkish surgeon
    • Ensure overall good health and well-being.
    • Maintain stable weight and body condition.
    • Quit smoking weeks before the tummy tuck procedure date.
    • Discuss medications with your surgeon.
    • Complete pre-op blood tests promptly.
    • Stay well-hydrated and get adequate rest.
    • Set up a comfortable home space.
    • Arrange reliable and timely transportation.
    • Enlist help for essential post-surgery activities.
    • Purchase necessary and convenient tummy tuck recovery supplies.
    • Strictly follow the provided pre-op instructions.
    • Mentally prepare for the upcoming recovery journey.


    How is performed tummy tuck?

    The step-by-step tummy tuck procedure is given below. Formun Üstü

    Formun Üstü

    • During the surgery, anesthesia is applied by the Turkish surgeon.
    • A tummy tuck incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen.
    • In case of excessive skin and fat, they are taken away.
    • Abdominal muscles are tightened using tension.
    • The surgeon may reposition the belly button when performing a full abdominoplasty.
    • Sutures or staples are carefully applied to minimize scarring.
    • Drains will be positioned to avoid fluids collecting.
    • The dressings followed by the compression stocking are applied to give support.
    • The surgery patient is monitored in a recovery room after the tummy tuck operation.
    • Extensive step-by-step postoperative care instructions are given.
    • Scheduled follow-up appointments are for monitoring and discussing any raised queries.

    What should I do after the tummy tuck?Formun Üstü

    You should followthe guidelines below after surgery.


    • Follow post-operative care instructions.
    • Take prescribed medications as directed.
    • a Wear compression garment for support.
    • Move around gently to aid circulation.
    • Stay hydrated for optimal healing.
    • Attend follow-up appointments for monitoring.
    • Gradually resume normal activities as advised.
    • Maintain a stable weight for long-term results.


    • Strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
    • Smoking to promote better healing.
    • Tight or restrictive clothing.
    • Excessive sun exposure on incisions.
    • Ignoring signs of infection or complications.
    • Abruptly stopping prescribed medications.
    • Skipping follow-up appointments.
    • Drastic weight changes post-surgery.

    How painful is a tummy tuck?

    Surgeons in Turkey often prescribe pain relief drugs because the postoperative period could be painful. The pain-killing treatment becomes more tolerable. In the end, the inconvenience and ordeal of the ensuing pain may still be worthwhile if the patient believes that the long-term advantages would far outweigh the temporary anguish that they will have to go through during recovery.

    How much is a tummy tuck in Turkey?


    Tummy Tuck Cost (USD)


    Turkey tummy tuck cost

    $3,000 - $5,000

    Competitive tummy tuck prices include surgical procedures, hospital fees, and post-operative care, making it an attractive option for medical tourism.

    UK tummy tuck cost

    $7,000 - $12,000

    Higher abdominoplasty costs reflect differences in healthcare systems and living expenses.

    Europe tummy tuck price

    $6,000 - $10,000

    Prices vary based on regional economic factors and healthcare infrastructure.


    Turkey Tummy Tuck packages typically include operation, clinic fees, aftercare, etc. Turkey surgeons have great experience and their medical centers adopt the most verified international standards, hence, the country is considered among the best destinations for medical tourism worldwide.

    The diversification in tummy tuck prices across countries is justifiable through factors such as variance in healthcare systems, overhead costs as well as the cost of living in the various economies.

    Does a tummy tuck leave a scar?

    Yes, abdominoplasty surgery leaves a scar.

    Surgeons in Turkey aim to avoid or even minimize scarring by different methods. Since different people have distinct scars healing times and care, they also change in color with time. Being a permanent mark, a tummy tuck scar is well-hidden and can be nicely covered. Proper wound care and sun protection after surgery are some of the essential requirements that will slowly make the scars lighter.

    Should I get a tummy tuck in Turkey?

    Yes, you can get a tummy tuck in Turkey due to the given reasons below.

    Reasons to Choose Turkey for Tummy Tuck

    Affordable prices

    Experienced surgeons

    High-quality medical facilities

    Comprehensive packages

    An attractive destination for medical tourism

    Turkey has become the point of choice for tummy tuck procedures due to its affordable prices, high-skilled surgeons, high-quality medical facilities, complete packages that contain every detail, and serving as a desirable place for medical tourism. Many patients have options for cosmetic surgery given the aspect of a cost-effective procedure, the professionalism of skilled professionals, and the enticing travel experience.

    Is tummy tuck in Turkey safe?

    Yes, tummy tuck procedures in Turkey are safe.

    The main reason is compliance with the international safety and hygiene standards applied to Turkish hospitals. The experienced and highly qualified surgeons who specialize in cosmetic surgery enhance the safety of tummy tuck procedures. Additionally, the strong healthcare infrastructure that comes with strict regulatory practices improves the safety and efficiency of these operations in Turkey.

    How to choose a plastic surgeon in Turkey?

    Before selecting a plastic surgeon in Turkey check the board certification to know they are competent and affiliated with recognized medical institutions. Make sure you find a surgeon who has enough experience and successful cases of the surgery you want to have. By reading patient reviews, patients can get the surgeon's reputation and patient satisfaction picture. Think about booking an intake session where you can tell the surgeon what you are expecting from him/ her and also clear your doubts if any. Furthermore, inquire about the hospital accreditation and the skills of the support staff to guarantee holistic and safe surgery.

    How long can a tummy tuck last?

    A tummy tuck procedure lasts for several years, depending on the lifestyle and numerous other determinants such as aging and genetics. 

    Maintaining a stable weight following the procedure is a way to increase the longevity of the result. Implementing a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and a proportionate diet is part of the long-term effectiveness of this operation. Stable weight parameters and childbirth after the surgery contributed to preserving the cosmetic results. Routine follow-up visits with a surgeon to re-evaluate the condition and possibly certain touch-ups will further increase the longevity of the tummy tuck results.

    How much weight do you lose with abdominoplasty?

    Tummy tucks usually mean weight loss ranging from 2 to 10 pounds which can be attributed to the removal of extra skin and fat. 

    Besides the fact that abdominoplasty is mainly a body contouring operation which is not a primary method of losing much weight. The degree of abdominal circumference reduction differs in patients and the main purpose of the treatment is to achieve a more toned abdominal area. The post-operative period of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through adequate diet and exercise is equally vital for future success and quality of life.

    Can your stomach get big again after a tummy tuck?

    Yes, although the tummy tuck does give a firmer and more toned abdominal appearance, the stomach can again increase in size if there are considerable weight fluctuations or not adhering to a healthy lifestyle. 

    Stable weight is a major factor that may help one maintain the results after the surgery. The tummy tuck should not be regarded as a substitute for weight loss, and long-term success will be dependent on lifetime choices and overall health behaviors. A balanced food diet and exercise routine are key to avoiding excessive belly enlargement after the tummy tuck.

    How do you sit on the toilet after a tummy tuck?

    During a tummy tuck, sitting on a toilet can initially be hard because of a tight tummy with pain. To lighten up this, move a little to the front and bend a little at the waist level to alleviate the pressure on the incision area. Placing a pillow or a cushion on the toilet seat could give extra support and comfort that would hinder the initial stage of recovery. You must adhere to your surgeon's specific post-operative instructions and resume your usual activities as and when you can manage the pain.

    Does your stomach shrink after a tummy tuck?

    Yes, your stomach will shrink after a tummy tuck.

    A tummy tuck will achieve a smaller and more toned stomach. The objective is achieved through the removal of extra skin and the tightening of the muscles of the abdominal during the procedure, thus creating a firmer look. But then, the long-term effectiveness of tummy tuck is affected by post-surgery stable weight. A lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet is instrumental in keeping the effects of aesthetic treatments over time.

    What BMI do you need for a tummy tuck?

    The recommended BMI for a tummy tuck is generally below 30.

    A BMI exceeding this threshold may elevate the associated risks during the surgery. This can be achieved by helping the patient to sustain a lower BMI during the procedure which is good for the safety as well as the effectiveness of the operation. Nevertheless, surgeons consider a range of additional health factors above BMI and will determine whether the person is a good candidate for a tummy tuck. It is a good way to consult with a board-centered plastic surgeon to evaluate your fitness for the operation and to consider the risks and benefits.

    Can you sleep with a tummy tuck?

    Yes, of course, you can sleep after a tummy tuck procedure, however, there are some precautions that you should be aware of to ensure your comfort and speedy recovery. 

    To start with, lying in a slightly higher position may reduce swelling and relieve the muscular tension abdominal area. Pillows can be used for upper body support and lower back relief, especially with a pillow placed under the knees. It is necessary to adhere to the instructions of your surgeon about sleep positions and also use any prescribed means of support during the healing process to make the process comfortable.

    How long is bed rest after tummy tuck?

    After a tummy tuck, the patient is expected to stay in bed for a day or two to initiate their recovery process. 

    Rest is indispensable in and of itself to avoid overloading the abdominal area and promote the recovery process. Nevertheless, once the initial period of bed rest is over, patients are advised to mobilize progressively as directed by their surgeon for a faster healing process.

    How long after a tummy tuck can you wear jeans?

    After a tummy tuck, patients can usually begin to wear jeans comfortably from 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively; the duration of the recovery period will vary according to the individual. 

    It is imperative to stick to the surgeon’s instructions and not subject the operative area to undue pressure by keeping tight clothes off during the first stage of recovery. Once the swelling resolves and the healing process proceeds, patients may slowly move on to wearing jeans, provided that there is no perceived irritation to the incision site.

    Is a tummy tuck better than liposuction?

    No, a tummy tuck and liposuction are designed for different purposes. Generally, they work well together rather than compete with one another. 

    The tummy tuck process mostly involves addressing excess skin and muscle tightening providing a holistic solution for people with much skin laxity. Unlike liposuction, however, which is used for the removal of localized fat deposits and sculpting the desired areas but not for the treatment of loose skin. The decision between what is a tummy tuck and what is liposuction depends on individual goals, anatomy, and how much correction is necessary. On the other hand, the surgeon may suggest a mix of procedures to be carried out to get the desired results. By consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon, he or she can work out the best possible way that fits your case.

    Does a tummy tuck lift your thighs?

    No, the purpose of the tummy tuck is not to lift the inner thighs even though it does affect that area. 

    The procedure provides the removal of excess skin and muscle tightening, which provides a flatter stomach. When thigh lift is concerned, the doctor may suggest separate thigh lift surgery or take a single procedure approach to treat the specific areas and produce the desired level of body contouring.

    How long after tummy tuck can I shower?

    Usually, 48 hours after a tummy tuck, you can take a shower when the dressing is removed. 

    It's crucial to be careful with hot water in the early days and to rub the incision area gently dry. Follow your surgeon's directions on the use of mild soap and any other post-operative care recommendations she might make to you. During the process of healing, you can later return to the usual shower activities, making sure they are gentle and attentive to the treated area.

    What time of year is best for tummy tuck?

    The optimal time for a tummy tuck is different from person to person due to the differences in their lifestyle and preferences. A lot of people choose to carry it out in the fall or winter so that the healing period can be kept highly private with the use of outerwear. Nevertheless, the selection of timing is a personal decision, therefore, it is recommended to see a plastic surgeon for a professional opinion relating to both your unique conditions as well as your schedule.

    What not to eat after a tummy tuck?

    Following a tummy tuck, it is recommended that you avoid some foods that could cause bloating or discomfort Avoid salty and processed food. These can cause water retention and swelling. The amount of carbonated beverages and gas-producing foods should be limited to reduce belly distention. Focus on a balanced diet rich in nutrients and keep in touch with your surgeon about personalized dietary recommendations that fit your postoperative recovery.

    What is a 360 tummy tuck?

    A 360 tummy tuck (or circumferential abdominoplasty) is a comprehensive body contouring treatment that targets the front, sides, and back of the torso. 

    The technique is based on the removal of the skin and fats not only in the abdominal area but also on the flanks and lower back improving the result in its totality. They usually go around the waistline area, giving a lot of room for modifying the whole midsection. This technique is especially for those individuals who have had significant weight loss or those seeking holistic body contouring for a more well-proportioned body shape. Just as with any other surgery, one should seek a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the suitability of a 360-tummy tuck after assessing the individual goals and anatomy.

    Can exercise replace a tummy tuck?

    No, exercise cannot replace tummy tuck because these procedures are not interchangeable. 

    The fact that regular exercise works for general health and not necessarily excess skin or weakened abdominal muscles may also be an issue. The tummy tuck is a surgical operation that emphatically targets the removal of excess skin, muscle tightening, and improvement of abdominal contour. The exercise or tummy tuck choice is very dependent on the goals of the person and the degree of correction required. Discussing with a board-certified plastic surgeon will assist in figuring out the best solution for reaching the personal intention.

    Note: You can contact Op. Dr. Arif Yilmaz to get detailed information about tummy tuck surgery and to be examined. You can also read our detailed article about liposuction. This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform the surgery should be a priority. We wish you a healthy days.
