Rhinoplasty (Nose Job, Rhino), Nose Job Cost in Turkey




Anesthesia type

General anesthesia is commonly used for rhinoplasty to ensure patient comfort and safety.

Back to work

Patients typically return to work within 1-2 weeks after rhinoplasty, depending on the job.


Post-operative pain is usually mild to moderate and managed effectively with medications.

Why Turkey for rhinoplasty?

Turkey is known for its skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and cost-effectiveness.

Worth it

Many find rhinoplasty worthwhile for aesthetic improvements and, in some cases, enhanced breathing.

Flying after surgery

Patients are advised to wait at least 5-6 days before flying to allow initial healing.


Strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least 3-6 weeks post-surgery.

Healing time

Complete healing can take up to a year, but significant improvements are visible much sooner.

Turkey rhinoplasty cost

Rhinoplasty in Turkey is generally more affordable than in many Western countries, offering high quality at lower costs.

Up & Mobile

Most patients are up and moving the day after surgery, but with caution to avoid strain.

Success rate

The success rate ( 95 %) is high, with many patients satisfied with their outcomes.


Patients can shower the day after surgery, avoiding direct contact with the nose.

Suitable age

Rhinoplasty is typically performed on patients 18 and older, once nasal growth is complete.

Any risk

As with any surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, or dissatisfaction with the results.

Any scar

Incisions are usually inside the nose or across the columella, minimizing visible scarring.


The results of rhinoplasty are permanent, though the nose may change shape as you age.

Procedure time

The surgery usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

What is rhinoplasty in Turkey?

Rhinoplasty is a kind of surgical procedure designed to reshape the character of the nose by removing the received rotations.It is quite often referred to as nose job together with the other truly common names in the field of cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty can be for different purposes, either aesthetic or reconstructive. To enhance the look of your nose, our rhinoplasty procedure will involve cosmetic procedures.It may resolve concerns involving the appearance of a bump on the bridge of the nose, a crooked nose, or a nose that is too big or too little compared to the size of the face.Also, tip-of-the-nose shape alteration as well as slight nostrils widening can be achieved. Functional rhinoplasty, designed to improve the function of the eyes and nose, aims for structural corrections and function restoration.It can also be conducted by removing a deviated septum which results in agonal breathing as well as repairing injury or damages from illness. Rhinoplasty is normally carried out under general anesthesia and often, on average it takes up to several hours to be finished.During the surgery, there will be either the inside of the nose will be operated or the outside of the nose, according to the specific one.For nose reshaping, the plastic surgeon will be involved in removing or re-arranging bone, cartilage, or tissue with the required mold to the projected face structure.Sutures or dissolvable stitches will the cut and then closed as the suture. Who is not a good candidate for rhinoplasty in Turkey?

Here are key factors that may disqualify someone from being a good candidate for rhinoplasty:

  • Individuals under 18 whose facial growth is incomplete.
  • People with serious health issues that are characterized by factors such as high risk and longer nose job recovery
  • Patients with very biased beliefs about what the surgery will bring them.
  • Smoking prevents the airway from healing properly and subjects it to more complications.
  • Individuals with very thin nasal skin, which may not heal well over the new structure.
  • Those with extremely thick nasal skin, which might limit definition after surgery.
  • People with a history of substance abuse, which can impair healing and increase risks.
  • Individuals with active skin conditions around the nose, increasing infection risk.
  • Those with blood clotting disorders, leading to excessive bleeding.
  • Individuals with multiple previous nasal surgeries, that may limit the potential for successful outcomes.
  • People are not committed to a proper recovery process, which is essential for the best results.
  • Individuals with severe mental health issues are not adequately managed, as it can affect their satisfaction with the surgical outcomes.

How to prepare before rhinoplasty?

Before going for rhinoplasty, it’s important to do both physical and mental preparation so that during the surgery everything is perfect.

  • Consult with your Turkish plastic surgeon.
  • Firstly, undergo a detailed medical test.
  • Leave smoking a month or two prior.
  • Take alternate medications like aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Make sure you will have somebody who will give you a lift from the hospital after the nose job
  • Set your own recovery place beforehand.
  • Follow pre-operative fasting instructions.
  • Discontinue the alcohol consumption for one week before.
  • Keep hydrated, but make sure to adhere to all guidelines given before the surgery.
  • Apply for an extension of the vacation or excuse yourself from school/work respectively.
  • Prepare cold compressors for swelling.
  • Provide prescription posts for medications to be taken post-surgery.
  • Pursue relaxation methods to lower the level of anxiety.

How is performed rhinoplasty (Nose job, rhino) in Turkey?

Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure tailored to reshape the nose, requiring careful planning and execution. Here's a simplified overview of how it's performed:

  • Anesthesia will be given to the patient so that the pain felt is no longer present. Incisions are precisely made, they hide discreetly inside the nose or across the columella.
  • The Turkish plastic surgeon alters the underlying skeleton and cartilage to get the dream nose shape.
  • If needed, the curve of the septum is straightened to facilitate better breathing.
  • The nasal tip is refined for a more prominent aesthetic.
  • The nasal bridge is positioned and fitted for the right height and width.
  • Either staples or sutures are used to close up the incisions and decrease the visibility of scars.
  • A splint is finally placed on the nose and its new look is sustained.
  • In case of septum support, a nasal pack may be inserted.
  • The patient is transferred to recovery, where she/he is under strict observation.
  • Instructions on how to take care of after the operation are given to help recovery.
  • Regular follow-up visits are made to track the patient's progress.
  • Anxiety medication is needed for pain management.

What to do after rhinoplasty in Turkey?

Following a rhinoplasty, appropriate care should be accorded to aid the restoration process and in optimizing the results.

  1. Do:
  • Following your surgeon's aftercare directions is highly recommended.
  • Make sure your head is always on the higher side even when you sleep.
  • Use ice packs to reduce swelling.
  • Prescribed drugs, follow how they are directed.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments.
  • Eat healthy, light foods.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Rest and avoid strenuous activities.
  1. Don't:
  • Don't touch or bump your nose.
  • Avoid blowing your nose.
  • Steer clear of strenuous exercise.
  • Skip wearing glasses directly on the bridge.
  • Avoid excessive facial expressions.
  • Stay away from direct sunlight.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption.

Is rhinoplasty painful?

No, rhinoplasty surgery is not painful due to anesthesia. One of the most popular operations is a nose job where the plastic surgeon performs reshaping of the nose, for either aesthetic or functional reasons.As the procedure goes, patients are usually under general anesthesia or sedative drugs, and thus they are unconscious or in a deeply relaxed state and do not feel any discomfort.After the surgery, pain management is an indispensable area that is crucial to recovery.Some patients might have issues with the area around the nose and eyes like pain, swelling, and bruising, but that can be easily managed with proper pain medication.The majority of them say the pain the day after the operation is lower than they expected.Taking to heart the aftercare instructions from the surgeon will help to have a wonderful and easy recovery time.Use a pillow to prop up cold compresses to decrease swelling and discomfort in the period after nose surgery.

How much is nose job cost in Turkey?


Average Price (USD)

Short Description

Turkey rhinoplasty cost

€2,000 - €4,000 (approx. $2,200 - $4,400)

Turkey offers more affordable options with quality care.

Rhinoplasty UK cost

£4,000 - £7,000 (approx. $5,000 - $8,700)

Rhinoplasty prices can differ based on the complexity of the procedure.

USA nose job cost

$5,000 - $15,000

Prices vary widely by region and surgeon expertise.

Please contact Op. Dr. Arif Yilmaz to learn our current nose job price.

Why is Turkey so popular for rhinoplasty?

Reasons Why Turkey is Popular for Rhinoplasty

Highly skilled surgeons

Advanced medical facilities


Cultural and touristic appeal

Strategic location

People prefer to take care of their rhinoplasty in Turkey for several outstanding reasons and this is how the country became a center for this cosmetic surgery.Firstly, Turkey has an extensive and experienced pool of plastic surgeons who work in rhinoplasty and are highly qualified and trained internationally - professionals who offer large expertise and experience.Modern medical centers in the country are provided with the latest tech and offer optimal care standards in terms of efficiency and safety for the patients.In addition to a more efficient and faster service, the price for rhinoplasty in Turkey is much lower than in many Western countries which gives low-cost access to high-level surgery.Besides, Turkey gives one of the unique chances for patients to combine their health care with the holiday, as Turkey is a country of great historical, natural, and cultural heritage.

Are nose jobs worth it?

Yes, nose job surgeries are worth it to do.

Rhinoplasty surgeries are a considerable option for people who aim at correcting their facial symmetry, dealing with their breathing problems, or boosting their self-esteem.When the nose is remolded, rhinoplasty brings a more balanced look to the face. This makes the procedure highly recommended for those who are seeking solutions to their appearance problems.For people who have structural problems like deviated septum, rhinoplasty helps both in terms of aesthetic and functional aspects. The nose may be made functional as the people can breathe freely.Psychosocial benefits, including higher self-worth and more self-confidence in social situations, are boundless.Nevertheless, patients must have a balanced outlook and select a prudent surgeon to have the best possible result.

Is Turkey safe for rhinoplasty?

Yes, Turkey is looked upon as safe for rhinoplasty because of its strict medical industry which works according to international healthcare standards.

The country's hospitals are equipped with the most modern machines and are staffed by medics who often are trained overseas.Additionally, Turkey's rhinoplasty success rate and patient satisfaction are a reflection of the specialization and care of Turkish plastic surgeons.

How long does a nose rhinoplasty last in Turkey?

A rhinoplasty surgery usually takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. It should be noted that the duration of the surgery can range from one to several hours depending on the difficulty of the operation and whether it is a primary revision rhinoplasty.Once done with the surgery, patients should follow a rest period, and they might suffer from swelling and bruises during this time which will subside gradually.In general, individuals can go back to work as well as normal life activities in 14 days but are still advised to try and avoid strenuous activities within six weeks.A final and complete nose reconstruction process may take anywhere up to a year for this procedure to heal and settle down

Does rhinoplasty leave scars in Turkey?

Yes, rhinoplasty can leave scars related to nose type.

In Turkey scars appear shorter than in other countries. This is achieved by using cutting techniques that minimize damage to the skin.In most cases the procedure does not include any visible external incisions (closed rhinoplasty), it can be done entirely through incisions inside the nostrils.The open rhinoplasty, however, is used in the cases that require a small incision on the underside of the nose between the nostrils. Even though the scar is almost invisible, many patients worry about how it can increase the cost.Turkish plastic surgeons are very well-known for their skills and the usage of innovative techniques which not only provide the ability to minimize the scarring but also to make it less obvious.

Can a rhinoplasty fail?

Yes, nose job surgery can fail. Even if nose surgery is usually successful, there are moments when the result fails to meet the patient's expectations or some complications appear as a result, resulting in "failure" of rhinoplasty in those cases.Many components of a suboptimal outcome can task like wrong do surgical, wrongdoer expectations, and healing complications.Revision rhinoplasty which is more complicated and require a prolonged recovery period and surgery to correct either of those issues may be considered as a solution, but it is not much recommended.That is why a patient should pick a remarkable qualified and experienced surgeon and expect a well-balanced understanding of the possibilities of results.The openness of communication between the surgeon and patient along the process way is important to accomplish the desired outcome and minimize the chance of failure.

How soon can you shower after rhinoplasty

You can take a bath after 48 hours from rhinoplasty surgery. It is necessary to wear the surgical dressings with care, especially around the nose region, as getting them wet can lead to infections and impede the healing process.As for washing, try as much as possible to keep your face from direct streams of water, especially the hot ones, since steam can cause more swelling.Patients are recommended to gently swirl a wet cloth on their face and stay away from grabbing or wringing the nose.Implementing these rules facilitates a speedy recovery and guarantees that surgeries will be successful.

Can a nose job cause blindness?

No, blindness resulting from a nose job is extremely rare.

Rhinoplasty is primarily focused on the external and structural components of the nose, which are not directly connected to the pathways affecting vision. Nevertheless, it is the same reality that the surgery like any other has risks of occurring, but sometimes the negative effects can be minor and related to simple changes. Patients need to make sure that they select a Turkish surgeon who is fully qualified and experienced in the performance of this procedure, paying particular attention to the quality control parameters the surgeon follows up on to reduce the chances of any complications. Repeated dissemination of such information in a clear way about the risks and benefits of the procedure can help manage the expectations of the patients and the outcome.

Do doctors break your nose for rhinoplasty?

Yes, in most rhinoplasty interventions, surgeons will break the nose, the nasal bone to be precise, to change the shape of the nose.

Nose surgery is performed by a plastic surgeon in Turkey using the technique called osteotomy and is used for various purposes such as correction of the wide nasal bridge or deviated septum, or simply to obtain a better aesthetic shape.The procedure is carried out with great deliberation and is an integral part of most rhinoplasty surgeries.Indeed, rhinoplasty may not oblige to the nose-breaking condition; this will depend on the person's anatomy and the goal.Recovering from this surgery involves swelling and bruising, which goes away with time.A surgeon who is competent and talented is a guarantee that the procedure is safely done and attains the desired effect.

Does your nose smell after rhinoplasty?

Yes, after rhinoplasty, patients may experience a temporary change in their ability to smell, including unusual smells.

This smell is commonly a result of the internal healing process within the nasal cavity which involves swelling, the presence of dressings or dried blood and mucus. These elements can, for a short period, affect the olfactory nerves and the airflow through the nasal passages, which may ultimately change the way we smell. In the majority of cases, this is a self-healing condition that evolves as the internal repair progresses from weeks to months. It would be advisable for patients to follow their surgeon's post-operative instructions strictly for the recovery process and to reduce the possibility of any problems.

Do eyes look bigger after rhinoplasty?

Yes, nose job may offer a subtle effect on eyes giving them a fuller or more open look.

It often results in reshaping of the nose structure, which distorts the symmetry and proportions of the whole face.The work of the nasal tip refinement contributes to optical illusion which makes the whole eyes seem bigger or more protruding.Besides that, the size of the eyes doesn't change, but the enhancing effect of harmony in the face and proportions contributes to their appealing nature.It is crucial that the patient has her expectations set to a realistic side and during the consultation, she should talk with her surgeon to reach the desired result.

Can the nose grow back after rhinoplasty?

No, due to structural changes after rhinoplasty, the nose does not reshape itself to the original one.

This transformable surgery changes the entire structure of the nose by either removing or shaping bones and cartilage, rearranging the soft tissues, or adding implants or grafts to bring about the desired form.However, the nose is only a minimal change with growing age or some other condition. Those changes are not the same as the original condition.It is necessary for the patients to have realistic expectations as well as know that rhinoplasty does provide for a permanent change in the appearance of the nose, but it is also subject to the natural aging process.

What is the most common age for rhinoplasty?

This surgery is most popular among individuals aged between 18 and 45 years old.

They prefer this age group since in 18 years old most people have facial features that are already formed and treated as generally safe to make cosmetic alterations. People within this age group often seek rhinoplasty for both cosmetic reasons and to correct functional issues, such as breathing difficulties. Additionally, younger patients tend to heal faster and may be more motivated by the desire for improved self-esteem and social confidence.

What is the safest rhinoplasty in Turkey?

The safest and best rhinoplasty in Turkey among the face operations, is performed by a plastic surgeon who emerged from the university of licensed plastic surgeons with a vast experience in these kinds of operations in a sophisticated and certificated medical establishment.

Whether it is a surgical operation that you've decided to go for, or whether it is deeply an anxious moment, then it is indispensable to have a better vision and a reasonable judgment. For this reason, it is urgent to a hypothesis-driven approach to choosing a surgeon who has a proven record of success and operates by the established ethical standards for the quality of patient care and safety.

In Turkey, many surgeons are world-known for their unprecedented expertise in rhinoplasty surgeries and use up-to-date surgical techniques to make the procedure risky and complications-free. As patients, being thorough when pre-operative consultations are conducted cannot be over-emphasized for the discussions should ensure that expectations are not only clear but also mutually understood, which implies that the professionals involved and the patients have the same expectations on the way forward.

How do you sleep after rhinoplasty?

After a nose job, you will be advised to sleep on your back with your head elevated so that the swelling diminishes considerably and your recovery is accelerated.

A couple of pillows under the head or sleeping in a recliner make staying in the side sleep position quite easy through the whole night.You should not sleep on your side and back as the exertion of nasal pressure could bring about the results being negated and subsequent complications.Being consistent with this posture for the first two to three weeks after the operation is of great importance for the healing process to go as smoothly as possible.In addition to that, maintaining the head just above the surface level helps prevent bleeding and swellings.

What happens if you cry after rhinoplasty?

If your nose bleeds after rhinoplasty, it is likely to lead to eye and nose swelling and bruising due to added blood flow to the damaged area.

Tears can multiply the irritations of the nasal tissues which is evident most especially when there are splints or dressings inside your nostrils. Worst, it can make the pain you feel just a little milder.This might be challenging considering the intensity of crying can also affect the nasal tissues and slow the healing process.Crying occasionally is most likely not going to negatively influence your results, but during that initial recovery time, it’s recommended to try and prevent if you can the happening of too much emotional stress.Remember the fact that you can always count on the people you surround with when you feel that you are going through emotional or stressful periods and get in touch with your support system or healthcare provider if needed..

What happens to rhinoplasty as you age?

With age, different changes in your nose results can happen, as a result of skin and tissue maturity processes.After some time, the skin on the nose could be thinner and have a loss of elasticity, this could result in the nose looking slightly longer or droopier.Generally, the structural alterations during nose jobs are permanent, nonetheless with time natural aging might influence the overall aesthetic impression.However, these changes are usually slow and can be corrected with minor repair procedures in case of the slightest need.

Can I get rhinoplasty if I am pregnant?

No, you should wait until after after the pregnancy for any rhinoplasty as well as not get into any elective surgery that is not done for medical reasons.

Pregnancy allows the body various status being the volume of blood wider and hormones different thus leading to complications during surgery.Besides that, anesthesia and the medicines that will be taken, either during, after, or both surgeries may be able to cause harm to the developing fetus.This is only true for the latter; in the former, many women before rhinoplasty would much rather do it after childbirth and breastfeeding are over.

What are the types of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical process that alters the dimensions and structures of the nose (aesthetically).The clinician has a variety of rhinoplasty techniques: they choose any one of them to address problems with different faces or achieve a certain result that the patient is looking for.Behavior classes are an essential concept to grasp for individuals to be able to make the best decisions about what will be the most suitable procedure for them. An open rhinoplasty involves one small incision in the columella (the soft tissue which is the spacing between the nostrils) as well as incisions internally.It offers an excellent lookout for what the surgeon would like to view inside the nasal structure so that he can modify it as much as possible.It can be a potent tool in severe cases or where classical nasal devices will not provide a precise manipulation of tissues inside the nasal cavity. The closed rhinoplasty is carried out through incisions that are placed inside the nostrils, which cannot be seen on the outside of the nose. As a result, patient has the no visible scars.Still, the procedure is much less intrusive than traditional rhinoplasty which provides less post-surgical complications.It is very suitable for patients who desire to make the necessary changes for less than severe treatment. A revision rhinoplasty, referred to as secondary rhinoplasty, is a subsequent nose operation in which parts of the nose that have been altered or are not in perfect condition after the previous nose job are corrected and improved.This can be more difficult due to the nose structure being different and scar tissues formed during the original operation. Functional rhinoplasty is proposed to be the therapy aimed at the improvement the nasal function, frequently tackling perennial nose breathing problems.Besides this, it could comprise a makeshift of structural abnormalities such as a slipped septum or turbinates. Ethnic rhinoplasty is a procedure in which considerations are factored in for the unique facial structures and cultural backgrounds of the patient who is under treatment.This artistic practice is to design the nose as per the demand of people while at the same time preserving their individual traits.
