Liposuction in Turkey (Vaser Lipo, Lipo360, Smart Lipo-Laser Lipo) Liposuction Cost?

Glance to Liposuction surgery




Anesthesia type

Local or general anesthesia, depending on the procedure's extent.

Back to work

Most patients return to work within a few days to a week.


Pain is manageable with medication and usually subsides within a week.

Why Turkey for Liposuction?

Turkey is popular for its affordable, high-quality medical services and experienced surgeons.

Worth it

Liposuction is worth it for many, offering significant body contour improvements.

Flying after surgery

Patients are advised to wait at least 4-5 days before flying.


Light exercise can usually be resumed after a few weeks, but follow your surgeon's advice.

Healing time

Full healing can take up to 6 months, but initial swelling subsides in a few weeks.

Turkey liposuction cost

Cost ranges from $1,500 to $4,500, making it more affordable than many countries.

Up & Mobile

Patients can usually be up and moving shortly after surgery, within a day or two.

Success rate

Liposuction has a high success rate, especially when patients have realistic expectations. The rate is about 90-95%.


Showering may be allowed within a few days, but follow your surgeon's instructions.

Suitable age

There's no specific age limit, but patients should be in good health.

Any risk

Risks include infection, uneven contours, and anesthesia complications, but are generally low.

Any scar

Small scars are possible at the incision sites but typically fade over time.


The results can be permanent with a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.

Procedure time

The procedure time varies but typically lasts 1 to 3 hours.

What is liposuction in Turkey?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure meant for removing the excess fat from the whole body's particular regions. 

This technique works optimally on fattening areas of the abdomen, thighs, and arms, in which fat is majorly stored. It is not a weight-losing solution at all, it's a process of remolding and redesigning the body. This is performed by Turkish surgeons in the operating room under anesthesia, in which little incisions are made and a small tube is used to suction the fat. Liposuction recovery times can be different for each patient, hence, most of them go for a couple of days to a week without heading to work. Outcomes are durable provided the patient sustains a stable weight and a healthy way of life. On the flip side, liposuction poses certain risks, such as infection, and may result in irregular fat removal.

Who is suitable for liposuction in Turkey?

Ideal liposuction candidates are given below:

  • near their ideal weight, yet have stubborn fat.
  • Skin is elastic and can snap back well.
  • They do not smoke; smoking affects lipo recovery.
  • They have realistic expectations from the liposuction procedure.
  • They are in good health without major medical issues.
  • Diet and exercise have not removed certain fat areas.
  • Their weight is stable, ensuring lasting results.
  • Seeking contouring, not a significant weight loss.
  • Understand and accept the potential risks involved.
  • Committed to a healthy lifestyle post-procedure.
  • Not recently pregnant or planning to be soon.

How do I prepare for liposuction in Turkey?

Preparing for liposuction surgeries is crucial for ensuring a smooth procedure and optimal recovery. Here are essential steps to take and things to avoid:


  • Have a medical checkup to be quite certain you can still get surgery.
  • Talk to your Turkish surgeon about your view and any fears so you are clear about what will happen.
  • By all means, for granted a healthy diet is the most effective means to have a stable weight.
  • The rule will be not to forget that you need to keep your body hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
  • Give special attention that there will be the person who will bring you back home after the surgery.
  • Equip your home for your comfortable recovery.
  • Make sure that you have all the recovery gears asked for, namely compression garments.
  • Take the given medications before surgery.
  • Follow the surgeon's precise pre-operative chart.
  • Take a good night's rest the night before your surgery.


  • Avoid drugs like aspirin or NSAIDs as these increase bleeding.
  • Abstain from smoking for at least two weeks prior to and after the surgery to facilitate healing. Example sentences: Instruction: Humanize the given sentence.
  • Please, take alcohol consumption less than a week before within one week prior to the operation.
  • Refrain from consuming anything after midnight this day that you are admitted to surgery.
  • You need to skip putting makeup on or using contact lenses in the course of the operation.
  • Do not overload or do any strenuous physical activity one week before surgery.
  • Do not hesitate to ask your surgeon any last-minute queries by all means.

What are types of liposcution in Turkey?

  1. Tumescent Liposuction

 It means that the surgeon injected a solution to minimize lidocaine pain and blood, thus the fat removal would be easier.

  1. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)

Engages in relevant tissue(s) by using ultrasound waves to liquefy the fat, which becomes particularly helpful with dense and fibrous areas.

  1. Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL)

According to producers, laser energy liquefies fat for its removal, and it thus offers skin skin-tightening effect.

  1. Power-assisted liposuction (PAL)

The robot will hence be using the automated cannulae for more efficient and less strenuous removal of fat.

How is performed liposuction procedure?

The liposuction procedure is a surgical technique designed to remove unwanted fat from specific body areas. Here's how it is typically performed:


  • Initial consultation includes discussing goals, health evaluation, and procedure planning.
  • Anesthesia choice is made based on the procedure's scale; options include local, regional, or general.
  • The surgeon marks the target areas on the body to guide fat removal.
  • Small, discreet incisions are made in the marked areas.
  • A saline solution, sometimes mixed with medication, is injected to ease fat removal and reduce bleeding.
  • The cannula is inserted through incisions to break up fat cells using back-and-forth motion.
  • With a cannula and vacuum on, the fat gets a bit loosened from the body substance.
  • Tissues such as fat are made hard by being consolidated so that they can be easily drained out. Therefore, procedures like ultrasound and laser liquefy the fats before suction for those might be easier.
  • Stitches are either sutured together or left open to the draining, which is specifically applied for a given method.
  • Loss compression garments are set up to reduce swelling and help the treatment sites to recover.
  • Surgery itself is not designed the solve problems in the health field. After the operation, the patients should be disturbed in a stable set and according to the medical indicators.
  • Following discharge, patients generally are counseled on self-care measures and follow-up medical appointments may be scheduled.
  • Follow-up consultations are the key endeavors to debride wounds, evaluate the progress of healing, and answer patients' questions.

What to do after liposuction?

After liposuction, ensure a smooth recovery with these slightly more detailed steps:

  • Rest adequately to allow your body to heal.
  • Take prescribed medications to manage pain and reduce infection risk.
  • Consistently wear compression garments to support healing tissues.
  • Don’t forget to visit your chosen clinic for their routine thorough checkup and assessment to ensure proper healing.
  • Maintain a hydrated state by drinking nutritious liquids multiple times every day.
  • To help you improve, you are recommended to follow the required nutritious diet.
  • Smoking must be avoided completely at any cost because it is detrimental to the healing process.
  • Do not consume alcohol to accomplish the desire to avoid detrimental impact on the recovery period.
  • Rest from energetic exercises like working out or lifting heavy weights.
  • Make sure the incision sites are not contaminated. This will lessen your chances of getting infected.
  • Make sure to watch your spider looks do not have any complications. Contact your doctor if you are worried.
  • By the use of ice packs reduce swelling and compress the pain.
  • Elevate treated areas when possible to decrease swelling.
  • Protect healing areas from direct sunlight to avoid scarring.

How painful is liposuction?

Liposuction is usually administered in a hospital while the patient is under anesthesia therefore the patient won't experience any pain during the procedure.

In the case of surgery, once the anesthesia wears off and the patients are awake, they can experience different levels of discomfort and pain, associated with the area of the body operated on and a person's pain tolerance level. To sum up, it is frequently said that feeling is similar to the pain of muscle soreness and deep bruising. Pain management, including painkiller medications, is an essential part of healing that takes place. The pain intensity gets better from the first week reducing significantly with the right care and just following the post-operative instructions provided. Ensuring rest will decrease pain and will aid the speed of healing by following the surgeon's advice.

How much is lipo in Turkey?


Cost Range

Brief Description

Turkey liposuction cost

$1,500 - $4,500

Cost-effective with high-quality care.

Liposuction cost UK

£3,000 - £6,500

Higher costs due to stringent regulations.

EU liposuction price

€2,000 - €7,000

Varies widely depending on country and clinic.

Turkey is known for offering cost-effective Turkey liposuction packages that attract patients worldwide, combining high-quality care with affordability. These packages often include additional services such as accommodation, transportation, and aftercare, making it a popular destination for medical tourism. In contrast, the costs in the UK and the EU are generally higher, reflecting the varying standards of care, regulatory environments, and the comprehensive nature of medical services offered.

Is liposuction worth it in Turkey?

Yes, liposuction can be worth it for many individuals.

Reason for Value

Improves body contour

Boosts confidence

High satisfaction rates

Advancements in safety

Long-lasting results

It is a safe option for patients who are not getting any desired changes of the area with stubborn fat despite efforts of diet and exercise. It may have the astounding act of greatly improving the physique and silhouette of an individual, instilling the person with raised self-appreciation and self-respect. The treatment works better than most non-abdominal, non-thigh, and non-arm regions which are rather difficult to lose with conventional weight loss methods. Along with the technological progress, liposuction has been enhanced and it is now safer and more effective, and also allows patients to recover faster.

Does liposuction leave scars?

Yes, liposuction can leave scars.

Liposuction scars would usually be very small and would not be in a place where people could easily see them, though the skill of a good surgeon is needed for this. This operation makes small cuts which gives people a way to take the fat away through the cannula. The size and tag of the scars are majorly dependent on the technique of lips sucking used, the patient’s skin type, and the healing process of the individual. Although these scars tend to dim over time and be less visible - a necessary treatment exercise would involve avoiding the sun and following the surgeon’s advice on the scar treatment. Many patients find the gains that come with improvements in body contours and self-satisfaction to be far more important than any potential concern about small community warfare. Furthermore, techniques applied to liposuction procedures are getting more precise, which leads to less ending-scarring and improved healing results.

How long does lipo last?

Liposuction results can last indefinitely with proper maintenance.

Liposuction removes fat cells from a specified area permanently, this means that the cells in that area will not grow after. It is highly probable, though, that the remaining fat cells in the body can increase significantly if the person regains weight. Since keeping a stable weight with diet and exercise is essential to keep the progress going, it should be always a priority. The outcome of liposuction may be influenced by weight changes, old age, and lifestyles. These factors can alter the body’s shape, which may affect the long-term results of liposuction. Adopting a healthy lifestyle post-surgery is directly related to the highest positive long-term health outcomes. It is better to have realistic goals and understand that liposuction is not a replacement for weight loss programs or a good way of living.


Is liposuction safe in Turkey?

Yes, liposuction is considered safe in Turkey if it is conducted by qualified and expert individuals.

The case of Turkey was and is the leading in medical tourism, offering good health services with low costs. Turkey has gained great popularity due to its medical tourism which supplies healthcare services with a high quality at attractive prices. Turkey has technologically advanced medical institutions, and many of its surgeons acquired international training and certificates, guaranteeing the application of such global standards. Furthermore, Turkish hospitals and clinics are serviced by the rules and regulations of tight supervision to ensure a high standard of patient care and safety. In addition, patients are urged to get enough information from reliable sources and select cosmetic facilities that are recognized and plastic surgeons who have undergone the certification. The good outcomes of medical operations mainly rely on the surgeon’s skill and the quality of the facility and Turkey is able to offer high level of both of them On the same note, the positive testimonials and the experience of those who have undertaken liposuction in Turkey gives an idea that this procedure is useful and reliable.

How soon after lipo will I see results?

The first phase of liposuction results can be visible immediately after the swelling recedes, usually after two to three weeks.

Yet, one should keep in mind that the final results of the liposuction procedure will become apparent only after complete recovery which may take up to half a year. Edema and bruising are often the early signs after the process, which fade off over the first few months. Wearing compression wear prescribed by your surgeon will help decrease swelling and mold the treated site. Everybody goes through different healing processes as their situation is unique, and patience is required to see the end product. As the body adapts and gets used to its new shape, you can see more pronounced muscle lines which evidence an improved, well-defined body.

What BMI do you need for liposuction?

There is no specific BMI allowed for liposuction, but candidates with BMI below 30 are regarded as the ideal ones.

Liposuction proves to be the most successful and safest procedure if carried out on those who are within their ideal weight or very little above it yet are not able to get rid of the more specific fat deposits no matter how much they diet and exercise. The fact that people with a lower Body Mass Index are supposedly nearer to their ideal weight and would thus be delighted by the more discernible aesthetic results of the operation makes the breast augmentation process more satisfying. Nevertheless, a BMI slightly above thirty is not a criterion not to qualify you to undergo liposuction. Other factors that must be considered in this regard include the health condition of the person, the elasticity of their skin, as well as the fatigue distribution. 

On the other hand, it's important for patients to have their expectations on the right track and understand that liposuction is not a magical procedure to lose weight but body contouring and sculpting. Having professional advice makes it possible to decide whether a liposuction corresponds to an individual's font frames and goals. Surgeons will examine everything such as BMI, while considering complications, to assure the patients that they can be safe and get what they want in the end.

Can you fly after liposuction?

Yes, you can fly following a liposuction procedure after the recommended period by your plastic surgeon

In general, doctors recommend at least a 4-day delay before flying to prevent possible DVT and complications caused by air travel. The time you should wait may depend on many factors such as the intensity of a procedure, your general state of health, and the flight length. Long flights are prone to swelling and blood clots, therefore, you need to move about and take enough water into your body if you need to travel. Adherence to your surgeon's recovery instructions like wearing compression garments and taking prescribed medicine will be equally useful in ensuring the safety of the flight.

Can fat grow back after liposuction?

No, the harvested fat during liposuction surgery cannot re-grow again.

Liposuction by its name allows the permanent removal of fat cells from the treated area and their ability to deposit fat in it is minimized. Unlike the store, the rest of the fat cells in your body can still be inflated if there is weight gain. So, those regions in which the surgery is concerned won't be the only body parts that can change in size. It is highly important to keep a balanced way of life with a proper diet and daily workouts as such to preserve the achievements of the surgery. Additionally, note that while liposuction offers a definite more sleek shape, it is not a replacement for exercise and diet for weight loss.

Will liposuction flatten my stomach?

Yes, liposuction can flatten your belly by getting rid of extra fat.

This technique helps to isolate and remove those troublesome fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise and therefore lead to a flatter and more defined stomach. However, you should keep in mind that liposuction doesn't correct any protruding skin or strengthen weakened abdominal muscles. In case of skin laxity that is very severe or separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), a tummy tuck might be a recommended surgery to be added to or substitute liposuction. Sustaining the results is a process of making a healthy life decision, which involves proper feeding and exercise. Overall, those patients who are close to their ideal weight, but have trouble getting rid of unwanted fat in some areas are the best candidates for tummy flattening surgery by liposuction.


You can contact Op. Dr. Arif Yilmaz to get detailed information about liposuction and to be examined. You can also read tummy tuck. This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform the surgery should be a priority. We wish you healthy days.
