Breast Augmentation. Plastic Surgery

Breast Augmentation (Breast Enlargement) in Plastic Surgery, Boob Job Cost, Breast Implants in Turkey




Why Turkey for breast augmentation?

Turkey offers experienced surgeons and advanced medical facilities at lower costs.


Pain and discomfort are expected post-surgery but managed with medication.

Turkey breast augmentation cost

Costs vary but are generally more affordable with potential savings.

Worth it

Breast augmentation is often considered worth it for improved self-esteem.

Success rate

High success rates are typically reported in breast augmentation surgeries.

Anesthesia type

General anesthesia is commonly used during the procedure.

Back to work

Return to work usually within a week to 10 days, depending on the nature of the job.

Flying after surgery

Patients are generally advised to wait 5 days before flying post-surgery.


Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 4-6 weeks post-surgery.

Healing time

Initial healing occurs in 1-2 weeks, while complete healing may take several months.

Up & Mobile

Patients are encouraged to be up and mobile early to promote circulation and prevent clotting.


Showering is typically allowed after 24-48 hours, but soaking in a bath should be avoided.

Suitable age

Generally recommended for individuals aged 18 and above, with maturity considered.

Any risk

Risks include infection, bleeding, and potential implant complications.

Any scar

Scarring is normal but tends to fade over time.


Implants may require replacement due to factors like rupture or changes in preference.

Procedure time

Typically takes 1-2 hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

What is breast augmentation (Breast enlargement)?

Breast augmentation (Breast enlargement) is a cosmetic surgery done to make breasts look bigger and better.Mostly, it is used for cosmetic reasons but is also capable of serving the purpose of reconstruction after cancers and other medical conditions.In the course of the operation breast implants that have been filled with either silicone gel or saline solution are put beneath the breast tissue or extends of the troule itself.Breast augmentation surgery by Turkish surgeons is often done while under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from a few hours to an all-day long procedure.The great majority of patients can resume their regular schedules within a week or two; but, of course, it takes almost one to three months for the final effects to develop fully.Breast enlargement has been proven to be one of the most effective beauty enhancement tools that skyrocket women's self-confidence and has a positive influence on their body image.Conversely, surgical intervention has its own potential risks and complications; having a competent surgeon and properly examining the decision become essential before going for breast augmentation treatment.

Who can have breast augmentation in Turkey?

Good patients for breast enlargement are individuals looking to enhance their breast size and shape.

  • Adults with fully developed breasts.
  • Individuals with realistic expectations.
  • People in good physical health.
  • Non-smokers, as smoking can impair healing.
  • Those with asymmetrical breasts.
  • The persons that feel their breasts lacking.
  • Women who as a result of having babies with small breasts or while on a weight loss diet.
  • The users who are not pregnant or breastfeeding, patients.
  • Adequate patient comfort handling pre and postoperation procedures.
  • Those seeking reconstruction after mastectomy or injury.
  • People looking for a confidence boost or improved body image.

What are the advantages of breast augmentation in Turkey?

Breast enlargement procedure has some advantages as shown below.

  1. Pros:

  • Increases breast size for a fuller appearance.
  • Improves breast symmetry, balancing proportions.
  • Upplift self-esteem and body image.
  • Is equipped with a selection of different types and sizes of breast implants for customized results
  • Corrects volume loss after pregnancy or weight loss.
  • Enhances overall body proportion and silhouette.
  • Provides long-lasting results, though not immune to aging or gravity.
  • Might serve as a prosthetic for rebuilding the breasts following a mastectomy or trauma.
  • Improves the fit of clothes, including swimwear, and makes them look better.

  1. Cons:

  • Risk of implant breakage or leakage, leading to surgical intervention
  • Possible need for revision surgery due to various reasons.
  • Scars, though typically hidden, are a permanent outcome.
  • Risk of infection and complications associated with breast enlargement surgery.
  • Possible changes in nipple or breast sensation.
  • May impact the ability to breastfeed.
  • Regular monitoring of implants is necessary.
  • Potential for capsular contracture, affecting the feel and appearance.
  • Financial costs, including surgery and potential future corrective procedures.

How to prepare for breast augmentation surgery in Turkey?

Before undergoing the breast augmentation surgery, session must book with a qualified plastic surgeon in Turkey to discuss your goals, and expectations, as well as the different implant options available. They will put you under a detailed medical check-up to confirm that this is the proper decision for you.

Stopping smoking for at least two weeks before the operation is especially beneficial if you smoke as it may affect the general process of your healing. Furthermore, in the run-up to the surgery, opt to avoid the use of any aspirin, ibuprofen, or herbal supplements as these might cause bleeding complications. If possible, schedule a ride that will pick you up after surgery and a family member or friend who will visit you for the first two or three days of your recovery. Your surgeon will give you exact directions about fasting or no intake of food, the day before the procedure. Ensuring that you have all the necessities ready to be reachable without much stress or effort is very important for the breast augmentation recovery period of your operation; make sure you can fetch the things you need without having to stretch or reach up high. In addition, be sure to put on clothes loosely and freely on the day of surgery, ideally things that fasten in the front either with a zipper or button because you might find getting dressed and undressed hard when you feel weak and uncomfortable.

What are the steps for breast augmentation surgery in Turkey?

Some breast augmentation surgery steps are given below:Formun Üstü

  • The surgery starts with the anesthesia that is injected into the patient’s veins and causes the patient not to see or feel anything during the operation.
  • The surgeon makes incisions either deeply into the breast fold or on the border of the areola to reduce visible scarring; common places are under the breast crease, around the nipple, or into the underarm.
  • This is accomplished by making one or two incisions through which a pocket is produced underlying the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement) or posterior to the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (sub glandular placement).
  • The best breast implants are chosen and the silicone or saline retention sacks are inserted into these pockets.
  • As for the saline implants they may be inserted first empty after that it may be filled by a further solution of sterile saline once it is already placed.
  • The implant of silicone-type that is fully pre-filled with silicone gel requires a bit of increase in the size of the incision when they are placed due to their fixed size.
  • Beside the implant's comparable position, the surgeon will use sutures, tape, or skin adhesive to close the incisions.
  • The procedure may last an average of one to two hours; in the meantime, patients are moved to some recovery room where they are constantly checked by the staff members and allowed to leave only after they are considered ready.

What are the rules for after-breast augmentation in Turkey?

  1. Do:
  • Follow your surgeon's pain management advice.
  • Keep the surgical area clean.
  • Follow a healthy diet to support fast recovery.
  • Stay lightly active to promote circulation.
  • Use ice packs for swelling if recommended.
  • Keep incisions out of direct sunlight.
  • Wear the surgical bra as directed.
  • Elevate your upper body when resting.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Report any signs of infection to your surgeon.
  1. Don't:
  • Engage in vigorous exercise or lifting.
  • Smoke, as it delays healing.
  • Ignore your body's need for rest.
  • Wear underwire bras until cleared by your surgeon.
  • Use aspirin or similar medicines that can increase bleeding.
  • Rush the recovery timeline.
  • Apply pressure to your breasts.
  • Expect immediate results; allow time for swelling to subside.
  • Skip post-operative appointments. Formun Üstü

Does breast enlargement surgery hurt?

No, breast enlargement surgery can not cause pain during itself as it is performed under general anesthesia.

The process of post-operative recovery of breast augmentation can sometimes be uncomfortable, and adenomas and itching may appear, which are the most common symptoms after the operation.

Are breast augmentation scars permanent?

Yes, breast augmentation scars are permanent, but they might not be that visible with time.

After surgery, the breast augmentation incisions made to insert the implants will heal and result in developing scars.Nevertheless, Turkish plastic surgeons are highly experienced in placing these scars in less noticeable areas, for instance, in the breast crease, around the areola, or in the armpit, to minimize visible scarring.The appearance of scars can differ according to an individual’s healing process, the specific technique applied, and postoperative care.After a while and with perfect care these scars eventually turn into almost imperceptible fine lines.

Are boob jobs cheaper in Turkey? Why is cheaper breast augmentation cost in Turkey?

Yes, breast augmentation costs are quite low in Turkey compared to most of the European countries.

There is a range of reasons that explain low breast augmentation costs in Turkey.To begin with, in Turkey, the entire cost of living and operating expenses are lower suggesting that the services are offered at more affordable rates.Secondly, the nation also enjoys a market that is quite competitive, where the prices are lower but the quality of medical services is maintained.Furthermore, it maintains the costs in the medical tourism industry at a minimum level for international patients by giving support to this industry.Eventually, the clinics in Turkey are equipped with state-of-the-art the staff who are trained professionally to provide the cost effective surgical procedures that are of high quality.

4. How much is breast augmentation in Turkey? How much is a boob job in Turkey?


Average Breast Augmentation Prices

Short Explanation

Turkey Breast augmentation cost

$2,500 - $4,500

Significantly lower due to competitive pricing and lower operational Turkish breast augmentation prices

Breast augmentation cost UK

$6,000 - $10,000

Higher due to the overall higher cost of living and operational expenses.

Europe breast augmentation price

$5,500 - $9,000

Varies by country, generally higher than Turkey but can vary within the region.

Breast augmentation packages in Turkey are generally offered in a package that includes many services that attract foreign patients so that the patient feels this way as much as the natural.These bundles normally vary from a simple surgical package to IV anaesthesia and short stay in the hospital and at times may comprise of air transfers and accommodations.The constitute a dedicated care facility and thus, reduce the unnecessary trouble of patients in managing their own logistics and healthcare.Moreover, there were plenty of clinics that provided counseling sessions and after-operational care services as part of the package ensuring that people get thorough modernized care.The package that includes everything such as the operation itself not only lowers the cost but also the convenience for the traveling patient as they can get everything they need at the one hospital.

Is breast augmentation surgery safe in Turkey? Are boob jobs in Turkey good?

Breast augmentation surgery often remains the safest procedure when done by skillful and experienced plastic surgeons who operate in licensed medical centers.Under medical professionals' supervision, they follow international guidelines and regulations to achieve security and high standards of quality.To find an appropriate clinic, patients must perform proper research and select a reputable clinic that has a history of successful operations and satisfied patients.The Turkish surgeon should be consulted beforehand to get information on the procedure itself, potential dangers, and what can be expected of the goals.Along with the questions about the surgeon's experience, patients ought to ask about the implant types and check for the FDA approval.Post-surgery care and follow-up are the most important for the surveillance of the healing process and solving the arising issues.Probably, after a thorough examination and precautions, breast enlargement surgery in Turkey can be secure and rewarding for patients.

How is breast size decided for breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation size is determined through a consultation process between the patient and the plastic surgeon, taking into consideration body proportions, goals and lifestyle.During the consultation, the surgeon examines the patient's current breast size, shape, and symmetry to make suggestions.Methods like 3D imaging or trial implants might be used to help the patient visualize the possible results.Good communication must be observed to confirm the final decision matches the patient's aesthetic goals and expectations.In the end, aiming for a natural appearance that makes patients look better rather than different is the objective.

How long do silicone prostheses (breast enlargement) last?

Silicone breast implants generally last for almost 10 to 20 years.

Breast implants can be changed for certain other reasons e.g. aging, tissue demands or implant rupture. Eventually, silicone implants may age and tear which can cause a reduction in size, shape, or even descent. Periodic determination through a necessary visit to a Turkish plastic surgeon who will evaluate the condition of the implants and address any concerns is recommended. Even though some implants have longer durability compared to others, it’s important for patients to recognize the possibility of them undergoing future surgeries either to replace them or to remove them when needed. Changing lifestyle, weight, pregnancy, and other things can also change the life of the silicone breast implant.

What are the side effects of breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation can cause temporary soreness, swelling, and bruising in most cases, which should resolve within a couple of weeks following the surgery.

Some patients might experience sensation in the breast or nipple such changes which are either temporary or permanent. As in all cases, although, on occasion, infections, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anesthesia may occur needing medical attention. Capsular contracture, in which scarring forms around the implant and as a result gives way to tightness and discomfort, is also a risk. Furthermore, the leakage of prosthesis breast implant rupture, though modern types are aimed to minimize this risk, is also among the dangers. Patients must talk about potential side effects and risks to their plastic surgeon in Turkey so they will have enough information before going through the breast augmentation surgery.

Does silicone prosthesis cause cancer?

No, the silicone breast implants do not contribute to the cancer development.

Numerous studies done jointly by different regulators and medical societies have failed to show any linkage of silicone breast implants to the increased risk of cancer.Among numerous examinations done by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), it is clear that silicone breast implants do not cause or trigger breast cancer or any other type of disease.Nevertheless, patients must make sure they have regular follow-ups with their plastic surgeon to allow checks on the implant condition and need to watch out for any emerging problems.

Can I breastfeed with silicone after breast augmentation?

Yes, silicone implants can be used in breast augmentation but they do not change the fact that you can still breastfeed after the operation.

A lot of lactating women, who also have breast implants, have not encountered any problems in feeding their babies during the period.Silicone breast implants are usually positioned either behind the breasts or the chest pectoralis muscle, which is not supposed to impede milk production or breastfeeding.Even though there is a slight interference risk of breastfeeding especially where there are incisions near the areola or complications like nerve damage and fewer milk ducts.It’s necessary to dwell on the question of breastfeeding when you are going to undergo surgery and to choose a specialist who has rich experience and is aware of the ways to decrease the likelihood of impediments in breastfeeding.

It is possible to combine breast augmentation with other surgery?

Yes, it is quite possible to carry out breast augmentation together with other surgical procedures, when medical conditions and the goals of the intervention permit.

Among those the most frequently made are breast lift (mastopexy), tummy tucks (abdominoplasty), liposuction, and facial rejuvenation surgeries.Conducting hybrid procedures can speed up the total recovery period and is occasionally more affordable than doing each procedure individually.This merged approach not only limits the exposure to anesthesia but also decreases the chances of experiencing different complications.The patients contemplating the combined surgeries should have a complete evaluation by plastic surgeon to know their candidacy and what the risks and benefits of the procedure are.One of the most important tasks is to choose a certified plastic surgeon with many years of practical experience in cosmetic operations that combine different cosmetic procedures for the best patient safety and results.

Is there any loss of sensation in breasts after breast augmentation?

Yes, numbness in the breast may occur in some cases after breast augmentation, but it is not an uncommon event.

There might be instances where patients would develop transient alterations in nipple or breast sensation such as a heightened sensitivity, numbness, or a decreased sensation.The changes are often the localized ones that normally disappear once the body recovers.On the other hand, in some patients sensations may not completely recover, especially if there is any severe nerve injury due to the surgery.Patients should talk about the post-operative sensibility changes with their plastic surgeon before the procedure and carefully follow the instructions given by their surgeon to minimize the risks of complications. Formun Üstü

Does silicone affect mammography?

Yes, silicone implants can influence mammography results.

Upon implantation, the silicone implants can warp breast tissue texture, which makes it difficult to correctly interpret a mammogram. The presence of silicone implants may thus cover some areas of the breast tissues, and this implies that certain irregularities like calcification and tumors may not be recognized.Breast tissues in women with silicone implants could require highly specialized and additional views to image the area during mammography.


Please Contact us for additional information or to schedule a consultation for breast augmentation with us. You can also read breast lift (mastopexy).

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform your surgery should be a priority.We wish you healthy days.
